Some Progress!

I have some good news this week - PROGRESS!

Posted by Dorinda Bassey on February 1st, 2021

Some Progress!

Remember how in my earlier post here, I complained about a certain task I was stuck on, well the rubber duck programming method worked.

I was expected to verify that running debuginfod manually and setting DEBUGINFOD_URLS works, but when I tried to test the debuginfod server I setup by fetching debuginfo symbols for some Yocto binaries built with an image in Yocto, I was getting "server query failed: no such file or directory" meaning that the debuginfo symbols weren't on the server that I was running. I kept wondering what could be the problem, only for me to find out with help from the elfutils community that while I was running my local debuginfod server, I set the server to fetch symbols of .ipk binaries whereas I was searching for symbols of .rpm binaries and vice-versa I was doing same for .ipk files such that; when i set the server to run .rpm binaries, I go ahead to search the server for .ipk binaries. This was me confusing myself and running in cycles, unknown to me that I was looking up the right binaries on the wrong server. This was clearly an oversight on my part and it did cost me a great amount of wasted time, however I've learned from my mistakes, and now I completely understand the concept of implementing debuginfod.

I am excited about this week, I'll tell you the whys, first reason which you just recently read a minute ago, second reason is that i just learned that a new version of elfutils - elfutils 0.183 will be released next week, and one of the contributions I made with the help of my mentor Ross has been merged pending next week release. trivial the patch might be but it did make a great deal to me that I was part of a community contributing to the next release of elfutils software.

Yes, i saved the most interesting part of my week for the last.

This past week, I've been making some mini contributions to The Yocto Project, and the community members have been very helpful and resourceful, I must say that this past week I've learnt a great deal about The Yocto Project, more about git navigation and open source contribution, at least I can proudly say I have overcome my fear of git rebasing, squashing, and splitting commits.

That's all for now, although writing this piece gave me new ideas, so I have a list of upcoming blog posts. I might as well highlight them now lest I forget :)

- How to setup a debuginfod server and fetch debug symbols for a Yocto build system. perks(this would save you some space as debuginfo resources are known to be 3 to 5 times larger than your executable)

- My Career goals and opportunities. (I'm already getting the jitters)

- I wrote about how to change Linux kernel version, it's about time i make a post on it. Well now that i have a better grasp of the Yocto Project, embarrassing to say but during my initial contribution stage on Outreachy, I remember trying to fix a bug which was about "writing how to change kernel version for a Yocto Image", and in my appalling naïvety I wrote about how to change Linux kernel version. Looking back now I can't help laughing at myself.

Thank you for stopping by, If you enjoyed this post expect more then.


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